You are currently viewing Day 52 – Etterlengtet hviledag (Well needed restday)

Day 52 – Etterlengtet hviledag (Well needed restday)

I dag ble det hviledag i hytta, få slappet godt av, mens vi venter på at uværet på utsiden går litt over. Trengte virkelig denne pausen både mentalt og fysisk. Flott hytte å ha en pause dag på!

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Today was a day of rest in the cabin, get to relax well, while we wait for the storm on the outside to pass a bit. Really needed this break both mentally and physically. Great cottage to have a break day at!

Benjamin Svanberg

Hey Dennis, thanks for translation. Carol has translated the first 50 of our posts and she would love to continue to do this job for us, so we would appreciate if you would let her continue to translate the posts for us.


Cabins sure look cozy.

Benjamin Svanberg

They sure are really nice, and gives us a warm and good break 😀