You are currently viewing Day 116 – Reinsdyrshorn (Raindeer antlers)

Day 116 – Reinsdyrshorn (Raindeer antlers)

Det ble en del kaldere i dag. Konstant mye vind, og litt smått regn av og til. Fortsatt fantastisk utsikt, men litt mer myr enn i går. Litt vanskeligere å følge planlagt rute da den gikk rett igjennom en klippe, men vi fant en vei rundt, som innebar mer klatring av høydemeter enn ønsket for å komme rundt.

Vi fant en hel del skjelett og horn etter døde reinsdyr. Både hele kropper, horn og hodeskaller.

Ved siste vade punkt sjekket jeg gpsen, og oppdaget at vi allerede skulle stå midt oppe i elva. Det er tydelighvis mye mindre vann enn vanligvis, da disse vade elvene nesten ikke har vann. Vi kunne enkelt bare hoppe over steinene. Føles fint å slippe å vade til knærne eller hoftene. Vi slo opp telt midt imellom det som skulle vært to store elver, men som nå begge er to mindre elver.

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English translation: It was a bit colder today. Constantly a lot of wind, and a little rain now and then. Still a fantastic view, but a bit more marshy than yesterday. A little more difficult to follow the planned route as it went straight through a cliff, but we found a way around, which involved climbing more meters of height than desired, to get around.
We found quite a few skeletons and horns from dead reindeer. Both whole bodies, horns and skulls.
At the last fording point, I checked the GPS, and discovered that we should already be standing in the middle of the river. There is obviously much less water than usual, as these wading rivers have almost no water. We could easily just jump over the rocks. It feels good not to have to wade to the knees or hips. We pitched a tent in the middle of what should have been two large rivers, but which are now both two smaller rivers.