You are currently viewing Day 73 – Takk for turen damer (Thanks for the hike ladies)

Day 73 – Takk for turen damer (Thanks for the hike ladies)

Startet dagen med en herlig frokost bufe og en kald dusj etter en god og lang natts søvn. Føles utrolig deilig å komme igang i dag. Frem til Straumbu hvor mora til Liz med vennene sine forlater oss er det stort sett nedover og 2/3 av turen går på en fin grusvei. Fin vei og vi kom oss fint helt frem. På Straumbu var det en flott rasteplass hvor vi kunne spise inne og ha ly over hodet helt til bussen deres kom.

Merkelig at det er siste dagen med Carol, Eva Ulla og Debbie. Blir litt kjedelig med en gang nå når de forlater oss. Vært et friskt pust å ha de med oss noen dager. Ble litt stress i det bussen kom og de måtte forte seg ombord så fikk ikke gitt en ordentlig klem til alle, men vi får sende en ekstra klem i tankene. Vi er takknemlige for at vi fikk mulighet til å gå tur med dere og at dere tok dere turen hit for å gå tur med oss.

Videre over fjellet var det mye stigning og lett regn. Kroppene føles gode, litt trist etter at vi er blitt færre, men fortsatt ved god motivasjon. Håper vi klarer å holde det opp videre nå etter en så lang og god pause.

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English translation: Started the day with a wonderful breakfast buffet and a cold shower after a good and long night’s sleep. Feels incredibly nice to get started today. To Straumbu, where Liz’s mother and her friends leave us, it is mostly downhill and 2/3 of the trip is on a nice gravel road. Nice road and we got on well. At Straumbu there was a great picnic area where we could eat inside and have shelter over our heads until their bus arrived.

Strange that it’s the last day with Carol, Eva Ulla and Debbie. Gets a little boring right now when they leave us. Been a breath of fresh air to have them with us for a few days. There was a bit of stress when the bus arrived and they had to hurry on board so we did not get a proper hug to everyone, but we have to send an extra hug in mind. We are grateful that we had the opportunity to go for a walk with you all and that you took the trip here and hiked with us.

Further over the mountain there was a lot of climbing and light rain. The bodies feel good, a little sad after we have become fewer, but still with good motivation. Hope we can keep it up now after such a long and good break.


Tusen Takk, Liz og Benjamin, for including us on your hike:) it was wonderful to join and experience mountain cabins, laying in the reindeer moss, and all of the great conversations & togetherness along the trail. Love, Mom


Thank you so much for having us on the hike! It was the most wonderful thing to join you guys and I am very glad for that opportunity. It will be fun to see everything on this blog as well 🙂